Friday, January 12, 2007

Now to announce...dun duh duh duh duh duh duh DUUUUNNNNN!!

Hey-ho and Hawwo's!!! My name is ThaReeza and I thank J9‽ for starting up the block. Blog. Ruff.

So you've seen what our life is like so far(the last block). Now to talk about, now that I'm here I should do something, no? I mean, I even wonder if anyone is going to read our block(my new name for it by the way) so is there a point?.....YES!!!

As Jess Jordan would say: Don't eat my boyfriend's retinas!!!, that's our version.

If Godzilla was so amazing, then Arnold the flea must have had quite a fan club. Too bad about the accident with the toothbrush and canned mushroom soup. I know that mushroom soup and Valoodevin don't mix, so mushroom and a toothbrush must be horrible.

Ah yes. Me. You have seen J9
‽'s side, and now me. Right? My mind goes into little blanks shouting names at me with a horrible violence. "Talk you twinky! Eat those mindses brainy thingies!" Of course you must have noticed my brain is not too advanced.

For one thing to say: I collect paperclips.

For another thing to say: Barry Pooter will win among Harry Potter. As well as Girl, Nearly 17, My boyfriend is Gay, both written by J9
‽ and myself during "drunken" nights.

Okay. Me, me, me, me, me. I have not always been random, yet after meeting J9‽ in grade eight we have become inseperable buddies of randomness. I became more random at the end of grade seven, so once I met J9‽ and became friends with her she envoked it all, making it grow to the size of the gigantic marshmallow size that it is today. I am the bestest of randomness when I am hyper. J9‽ usually says how funny I am, yet I believe we are equally matched.

Gurk! I can't hold it in any longer.!!!
I mean, why else cam the cow eat it's own fur and see spirits at the same time? The doorknobs of hell have always been suspicious! J9
‽'s cannibalism has seperated me from my cat for psycology reasons, what with that whole fork accident and the glowing plunger exercise.

"Ho-ho?" cried the wagon from across the street. It had it's needle in one hand.
"What?" It was the grouchy thaReeza, waking up from a 45min nap.
"I'm making sure that you remember your medication! As a rehab student you--"
"How can you be a student anyway? You just attend "Rehab" and take placeboes all day!"
"As I was saying, you're medication!!!!"
"Well, you smell like fortyfive Oh Henry's!!"
"Take it, you...Flamingo kidney!!!"
"Oh? Well, %^&*@@@#%$^!!"
"How can you speak At sign, percentage, asterix and etc so quickly?"
"I'm a Rehab STUDENT!!!"

And now to J9
‽ to continue this story. This is a rather common thing to do in e-mails we send eachother. That was how Girl, Nearly 17, My boyfriend is Gay started. We sent eachother random messages andthey usually turned to stories, and we had to continue on. So enjoy my little snippet.

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