Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another one???

Hey-ho peeps. This is ThaReeeza again! I thought I get some more ranting in...just because I like to rant and I think that you desperate readers (hardeehar...) would enjoy it. Well, someone will, even if they're some freaky person who has a fetish for freaks.

...Anyways, I guess the biggest reason I'm typing away is because I saw another one.
Yesterday me and J9 saw Jack what'shisface the monster slayer and it was weird. The movie I saw today was not weirder, I can assure you (thank GOSH) but it was still bizarre.
You know how in Edward Scissorhands there's the brightly coloured setting with the freak of nature hurting people? Imagine that with zombies. FREAKIN' ZOMBIES.
Imagine if whenever someone died they became one of these monsters. Then, hey, they're already dead, they won't mind, you go ahead and put a mind-controlling collar on it so it won't go eating people and use it as a non-living and somehow non-rotting slave? There you go, that's Fido for you. It was freaky...suburbia with zombies mowing the lawn, doing the gardening, walking the dog, and all that jazz. The kid/protagonist, Timmy (how pleasant can the setting get?) gets rather fond of his zombie and decides to name it the generic dog name we all have heard many many times.
Spot. NO.
Fido. This Fido reminds me of some sort of previously attractive and popular actor that died of a heart attack. He and the mother in the story share some kinky looks (it's always the "normal" people and the freakish monsters, isn't it?) but oh, no, she's married to Timmy's father, Bill. Apparently Mr. Bill had a horrible background with zombies and hates them, saying everyone should have a funeral, and goes to them for entertainment. Everyone thinks he's messed up, and in the beginning I thought so too. But, then again, he's wanting zombies to be buried, since they're dead. That sort of makes sense, doesn't it?
I don't know how much I giggled with the nervousness of a jellyfish/showercap when I saw how lighthearted everyone was about death -- Oop, there's a zombie. *BANG* There we go -- and how no matter what age you were, you had a gun. Hm. I wonder where this was set...
The main villain was also distasting zombies and no matter what I thought that he looked like George Clooney. I`m wrong....but the resemblance sticks.
I think another freaky thing about the movie is that some dude falls in love with one of the zombies. He and his beloved Tammy actually share a little kiss in the movie, and though it would be cute there are those OH GOD THE FREAKISH TEETH THAT EAT HUMAN FLESH OF FREAKY-NESS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!
Well, that may make Tammy a good kisser. I wouldn`t know, personally. I've never kissed a zombie.

Overall the movie was actually kind of cute in a killing, bloodsucking kind of way. All I could think of while watching it though was that the kid reminded me of a mix between the Home Alone child and Old Howard (see previous post to get the joke).

*sigh* what a day. I can't wait, going to Mexico for Spring Break. It'll be a nice get-a-way. I mean, ever since my family god HD TV me and my mother have been watching the most awful and bizarre movies ever made, including those said today, and things like the Korean version of Godzilla.
I suppose having high definition shows the very hairs on the monster's faces...who knows...

Okay, time to turn off the rant. Toodles!


Quote of the day that came from the movie:
"Just because your father tried to eat you doesn't mean that we have to be unhappy forever"

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